12 July 2006

promises, promises

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I have known for some time that I promised to write a chapter for my M.A. committee chair for a book he's editing.

I was vaguely aware of it.

And I have been slowly collecting research and thinking about it.

Good thing, because today I got an e-mail telling me he needs it by the end of the week. And, I don't really think I can say no or back out at this point, because his e-mail was a response to an e-mail I sent asking him to write me a rec for grad school.

I have e-mailed him back to ascertain what exactly he means by "end of the week." I am hoping for midnight on Saturday.

Yup, this post officially counts as "blogging to avoid academic work." Sigh.

Edited to add: Clark did his heroic deed for the day by rescuing some relevant research/writing from my long-defunct PC.

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