04 July 2006

does this make him a superfan?

After cleaning the house (in anticipation of Clark's homecoming tomorrow) and a long walk with the dog, I'm spending this humid, rainy holiday watching Wimbledon and, later, World Cup.

Some guy just streaked across the court in the Sharapova/Dementieva quarterfinal!


New Kid on the Hallway said...

Hee! I saw that too - most amusing. He was better looking that a lot of the streakers I've seen! (I hope you don't mind that I tracked you down again...)

unsafe.at.any.speed said...

Wow, NK, you win the award for fastest and best blog sleuth! :)

New Kid on the Hallway said...

Well, actually, I have the technorati page for stuff linked to my blog in my bloglines subscription, so it tells me if there are new links to me. So not really that impressive - but it's good to see you! I was just thinking it had been a while since you posted.